Bula Matari | Breaker of Rocks
a one-act opera
Bula Matari | Breaker of Rocks recounts the historical tale of British explorer Henry Morton Stanley’s tumultuous expedition through the African Congo into the Sudan to rescue Emin Pasha, a European governor under attack by an army of Islamic freedom fighters led by Muhammad Ahmad, a man who claimed to be the Mahdi or redeemer of Islam.
Cast of Characters
The Mahdi.....................................Barbara Byers
Henry Morton Stanley.................Jonathan Nussman
Emin Pasha...................................Adam Davis
The Ensemble
Piano/Music Director....................Siu Hei Lee
Double Bass...................................Tommy Babin
Double Bass...................................Kyle Motl
Percussion......................................Christopher Clarino
Performed March 10th, 2018 at Conrad Prebys Concert Hall, UCSD.
Video and photography by Sarah Charney
Scene 4 - "This is Not a Field of Glory"
Scene 5 - "I Promise/I've Given my Blood"
Scene 7 - "The Drawings"
Scene 7 - "You Have Failed"
Scene 7 - "Finale"